Week 30: 1 Click Flare
Scratch Overview
The 1 Click Flare is made famous by DJ Flare, start with the crossfader on/open and as you push the record forward and it reaches the halfway mark of the sample being used, make one “click” (on-off-on) with the crossfader. Continue pushing the record through the “click” to the end of the sound. Time the pull back and repeat the “click” halfway through the sample again, pulling the record back to the beginning of the sample. The objective is to have the forward and reverse movements and sounds be exactly the same, chopping the sample in half. Creating 4 notes.
Center Fader Position: Open-Closed-Open
Scratch Notations: The BOTTOM of the graph (where the blue line begins) is the start of the scratch sample. The TOP of the graph (where the blue line peaks) is the end of the scratch sample. PUSH the record FORWARD from BOTTOM to TOP and PULL the record BACK from TOP to BOTTOM. The distance from LEFT to RIGHT of the graph is the speed of how fast you move the record.